London UK

  • Call now for a free assessment to explore your needs and expectations.

    Classes are held at my location in Kennington, London.

    • £30 per hour

    • Save 15% with a bundle of 5 or more classes!

  • Call now to explore hands-on energy practices and discuss what best suits your current condition and needs.

    Sessions are held at my location in Kennington, London.

  • Our holistic retreats combine Kundalini yoga with bodywork, energy healing, art therapy, and talking therapy.

    Retreats are hosted in the UK, Italy, and Spain.

    The program can be customized with advance booking.

    Call me to discuss your interests!

  • Let me know if you’d like to practice your Italian during the classes and retreats. Sarei contentissima di insegnare in italiano!

    Fammi sapere se ti potrebbe interessare praticare l’inglese mentre pratichi yoga? I’d be thrilled to speak in English!

More qualifications aimed to create a safe trauma informed space for a more conducive energy healinig practice:

Hello! I’m Sophia, an Italian who traded sun-soaked days for London drizzle—and, surprisingly, fell in love with it.

My yoga journey began in 2001 when I stumbled into a Kundalini yoga class while in need of some inner peace. Since then, yoga has been my loyal sidekick through life’s ups and downs. It was in London that I rekindled my love for Kundalini yoga and took the leap to become a KRI-certified teacher.

During the pandemic, like many, I became a Zoom yogi extraordinaire. I ran online practice groups with friends and strangers who quickly felt like community. Those shared moments of energy and synchronicity inspired the creation of PURPLE PRANA—a space for connected souls and synchronized breaths.

I’m a sunshine seeker, a laughter enthusiast, and a curious explorer of quantum physics, morphogenetics, alternative medicine, Taoism, and integral theory. When it comes to food, I’m no gourmet, but I try to stick to a functional medicine diet with the exception for the ice cream.