Sleep Well Kriya

Classed taught and designed by Mia Luna - 21st November 2023

A great evening kriya to allow you to enter a deep sleep and let go of mind chatter and restlessness. Following the kriya we will do meditation and breath work to prepare for a good night's sleep. Wake up invigorated with a clear mind and positive vibe! This is a 1.5 hour class according to the Kundalini standards. By combining breath work and meditation after exercises we have more benefits. 💪


Mia Luna

Ciao hello! My name is Mia, I am native Californian, and seasonally local both in Bologna Italy and San Diego California.

I grew up one step away from the 'Self Realization Center ' di Parahamansa Yogananda a Encinitis (CA), been exposed to their work and I have a full collection of their books.

Since 2002 I practice yoga. Initially, Hatha, Iyengar e Sahaja Yoga and later discovered Kundalini yoga which was a shift of paradigm in my lifestyle and led to a KRI Kundalini Yoga teacher qualification.

My eclectic nature best expresses itself in my artistic work, and my people-person attitude in connecting with people and teaching.

I founded MIA LUNA atelier, an online brand for artwork. In my creations I combine the many influences of the different places on earth I’ve been living and places of spirit I’ve been exploring. You can find a full collection of yoga clothing with mandala graphics and chakras, and I just launched a collection of scarfs with the theme of crystals and moonstone.

Teaching has always been in my cords, and I do it professionally teaching economy in a business school and art in a high-school. And Kundalini Yoga follows as my passion, and as my master taught us there is no better way of learning than teaching! And there I am for the last two years having fun with Purple Prana, designing classes and courses together, and retreats.

I am a fervent believer in food as the first medicine, and promote passionately veggies and healthy receipts for the good of anyone of us and the planet!