Releasing pelvic tension & balancing sexual energy

Classed taught and designed by Sophia Andelight - 21st October 2023

This class is going to celebrate with joy the vehicle of our journey on earth, our beautiful body that so mysteriously contains life ❤️ A gentle kundalini for awakening in the body to lift up the spirit and create inner room for the weekend delight.

"This series adjust the energy in the sex-circulation meridians. It releases the tension in the ovaries and enhances circulation to the pelvic region. It is an excellent set for men: it balances the sexual energy and helps the prostate. For women it aids problems associated with menstruation, chronic tension and stress from PMT. It will bring balance to the hormones and oestrogen levels can be changed greatly." A brilliant personal practice if you are looking for a forty-day Sadhana/challenge for transformation.

I'm looking forward to meet your true-self on the mat while emerging from sleep, and getting ready for breakfast :)


Sophia Andelight

Hello, my name is Sophia. I am originally from Italy and have been living happily in London for many years.

My journey with yoga began in 2001 when I first practiced Kundalini yoga at a location in Northern Italy. It was a time when I needed to deeply reconnect with myself to overcome a challenging period in my life. Since then, I have explored and enjoyed various styles of yoga, integrating the practice into my daily life. It was in London where I rediscovered Kundalini yoga and embarked on the path of becoming a KRI Kundalini yoga teacher.

During the pandemic, for a couple of years, I organized online practice groups through meetup with friends and like-minded individuals. This experience of togetherness and synchronicity of souls inspired the creation of PURPLE PRANA.

I have a passion for sunshine, love, quantum physics, morphogenetics, alternative medicine, Taoism, and integral theory. While I may not be a food enthusiast, I strive to follow a functional medicine diet, with the exception for ice cream.
My inner mission is to expand into the aura and connect with the world around me. My outer challenge is to create a community for belonging to a bigger holon.


Open the heart center


Cleanse the Body