Outward you energy
Classed taught and designed by Sophia Andelight - 11th November 2023
Likewise, the most repeated geometry in the universe, our energy expands from within-out following a spiralling move. This set is a perfect example of how to bring that internal energy out. The Outward Bound kriya prepares you to meet the world head on—vibrant and strong. This set is specially for whoever system is mainly internalized. They require vigorous, daily exercise in order to have enough extroverted energy to really excel and work in today’s world.
We will prepare for the kriya with a simple set of asanas that makes the back feel great and gets the energy moving. It is a good series to do after you wake up in the morning or before bed at night. It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation or kriya.
Sat Nam ❤️