Cleanse the Colon

Classed taught and designed by Mia Luna - 30th September 2023

Following the Lymph cleanse last class, I continue with this series of keeping the body up with seasonal change from Summer to Fall. Our skin and face are manifestations of our microbiome. Let's give it a restart with this powerful kriya. The set incorporates a lot of arm and upper body movement, which affects the meridians and channels of the colon, adjusts the bones in the spine, gently works on and stimulates the heart, lungs, pancreas and digestive system, and also stimulates the lymph nodes in and around the arm and breast area. Drink warm lemon water or prune juice before class and do not eat breakfast.

Sat Nam 🐍❤️✨💚💫💙

Mia Luna

Ciao hello! My name is Mia, I am native Californian, and seasonally local both in Bologna Italy and San Diego California.

I grew up one step away from the 'Self Realization Center ' di Parahamansa Yogananda a Encinitis (CA), been exposed to their work and I have a full collection of their books.

Since 2002 I practice yoga. Initially, Hatha, Iyengar e Sahaja Yoga and later discovered Kundalini yoga which was a shift of paradigm in my lifestyle and led to a KRI Kundalini Yoga teacher qualification.

My eclectic nature best expresses itself in my artistic work, and my people-person attitude in connecting with people and teaching.

I founded MIA LUNA atelier, an online brand for artwork. In my creations I combine the many influences of the different places on earth I’ve been living and places of spirit I’ve been exploring. You can find a full collection of yoga clothing with mandala graphics and chakras, and I just launched a collection of scarfs with the theme of crystals and moonstone.

Teaching has always been in my cords, and I do it professionally teaching economy in a business school and art in a high-school. And Kundalini Yoga follows as my passion, and as my master taught us there is no better way of learning than teaching! And there I am for the last two years having fun with Purple Prana, designing classes and courses together, and retreats.

I am a fervent believer in food as the first medicine, and promote passionately veggies and healthy receipts for the good of anyone of us and the planet!

Total Balance