Meditation on the Self

Classed taught and designed by Mia Luna - 31st October 2023

The mind is given to you to use in self-expansion. But you do not channel it or capture it; it runs wild on old thought patterns and habits. If you cannot have the mind when you need it, it is useless. The function of mind is not just to spew out random thoughts! It is to fashion etheric elements into forms of energy that manifest through the earthly elements.

A guided and projected imagination is a fundamental power and a gift of mankind. In this simple series, you raise the kundalini energy enough to purify and calm the mind. Then you direct the mind in meditation to become aware of your identity and how you have guided it. You use the mind for self-observation, not just fantasy. Besides being excellent training for the mind, this kriya helps improve poor digestion and channels over-abundant sexual energy. This is one of the beauties of Kundalini Yoga; instead of dealing with thoughts only with other thoughts, it uses exercises that automatically bring the mind into a more agreeable state. This saves years of time in meditation. The body is your finite identity. The mind is a bridge to your infinite identity which is even beyond the soul. But the mind alone has a difficult time because it lacks the clarity of identity given by the body. When you manipulate the body identity by exercises, then a clear message of guidance is given to the mind. It is not the mind that runs the body. It is actually you. The mind is another part of you. Using these two to communicate with and integrate your many parts is the science of kriya and a foundation of Kundalini Yoga.

This Yoga set combines asanas with pauses for meditation. During this heightened time of confusion we need to command the mind and create a discipline to meditate.

Sat Nam

Mia Luna

Ciao hello! My name is Mia, I am native Californian, and seasonally local both in Bologna Italy and San Diego California.

I grew up one step away from the 'Self Realization Center ' di Parahamansa Yogananda a Encinitis (CA), been exposed to their work and I have a full collection of their books.

Since 2002 I practice yoga. Initially, Hatha, Iyengar e Sahaja Yoga and later discovered Kundalini yoga which was a shift of paradigm in my lifestyle and led to a KRI Kundalini Yoga teacher qualification.

My eclectic nature best expresses itself in my artistic work, and my people-person attitude in connecting with people and teaching.

I founded MIA LUNA atelier, an online brand for artwork. In my creations I combine the many influences of the different places on earth I’ve been living and places of spirit I’ve been exploring. You can find a full collection of yoga clothing with mandala graphics and chakras, and I just launched a collection of scarfs with the theme of crystals and moonstone.

Teaching has always been in my cords, and I do it professionally teaching economy in a business school and art in a high-school. And Kundalini Yoga follows as my passion, and as my master taught us there is no better way of learning than teaching! And there I am for the last two years having fun with Purple Prana, designing classes and courses together, and retreats.

I am a fervent believer in food as the first medicine, and promote passionately veggies and healthy receipts for the good of anyone of us and the planet!

Energy Frequency Vibration


Hunter Full Moon Activation