Energy Frequency Vibration
Classed taught and designed by Sophia Andelight - 4th November 2023
We’ll practice a warm-up kriya to cleanse the system from Apana – waste energy, and then the main kriya will be on how to energize back our system.
Kundalini yoga is a rich technology designed to click into our lives for keeping us connected to the source of ENERGY, in sync with the cosmic VIBRATION, at the highest FREQUENCY.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.", that’s all about kundalini yoga technology. Expand to a more vast and whole sense of self, or state of consciousness… with intention to.
Energy is the life force that flows through all things.
Frequency is the rate at which energy vibrates.
Vibration is the amplitude, or intensity, of energy. The higher the vibration, the more powerful the energy.
Everything in the universe is made up of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies.
Our thoughts and feelings are energy, and they vibrate at a certain frequency. When we focus our thoughts on something, we emit a signal with a specific frequency. This signal is then broadcast into the universe, and it begins to attract energy that vibrates at the same frequency.
Sat Nam ❤️