Precious Polarity

Classed taught and designed by Sophia Andelight - 18th July 2023

The class is a combo of two kriyas : 'Hemisphere Adjustment and Subconscious Memory Elimination' & 'The Sexual System and the Sixth Sense' closing with a 'Precious Polarity' final asanas. These are those sequences that can make a kundalini class a bit weird if looked from outside. Some mudras are irritating, some asanas look just corepographic. Actually, they are the most juicy,insightful, revealing, provoking, and in the best scenarion enlightening practices. Kundalini yoga works mainly with stimulating the nearvous and glandular system, to alter the state of perceptions with the purpose of emboding a state of higher consciousness. Set your intention for this to happen, and enjoy your journey!

it has been said about these kriyas: "You have to create a balance between the sixth sense and the sexual system. In this kriya the middle finger is sex, forefinger is God (knowledge), thumb is ego. When you touch the forefinger and thumb together, you split the sex and "mix" God and the ego. When you touch the middle finger and the forefinger together, you split the ego and mix God and the sex. It is an ancient and secret practice from 5000 years ago. Try it, see what it does to you! It will give you a "new" nervous system. It will hurt. If the female or male lower parts are not aligned in the nervous system, it can be irritating. But just go through it and the alignment will self-correct."*

And more about the 2 hemisphers coordination:

"The brain has two hemispheres, the left and the right. These two sides must coordinate their activities at the same time to supplement and complement each other. There is another area, called the memory area, that must also coordinate with the two hemispheres of the brain. When this coordination is lacking, the person will be angry, frustrated, and self-destructive. The things we usually rely on to help us, such as friends, money, youth, and beautiful possessions, are of little importance in life. The important thing is the coordination in action of our brain when we are confronted by the challenge of the times. That is the only friend we need. The rest comes later. When you encounter a challenging situation and the left initial brain is asked to act, the right brain and the memory should coordinate so that the totality of you will direct the response and the response will be in harmony with who you are. You may be the most genius person, intelligent, aware, competent, and honest. The whole packet may be perfect. But if the personality through the memory does not reflect the direction in the coordination of the brain hemispheres, you shall not act in full consciousness, in your full self. That is how important this interaction is."

Sophia Andelight

Hello, my name is Sophia. I am originally from Italy and have been living happily in London for many years.

My journey with yoga began in 2001 when I first practiced Kundalini yoga at a location in Northern Italy. It was a time when I needed to deeply reconnect with myself to overcome a challenging period in my life. Since then, I have explored and enjoyed various styles of yoga, integrating the practice into my daily life. It was in London where I rediscovered Kundalini yoga and embarked on the path of becoming a KRI Kundalini yoga teacher.

During the pandemic, for a couple of years, I organized online practice groups through meetup with friends and like-minded individuals. This experience of togetherness and synchronicity of souls inspired the creation of PURPLE PRANA.

I have a passion for sunshine, love, quantum physics, morphogenetics, alternative medicine, Taoism, and integral theory. While I may not be a food enthusiast, I strive to follow a functional medicine diet, with the exception for ice cream.
My inner mission is to expand into the aura and connect with the world around me. My outer challenge is to create a community for belonging to a bigger holon.


Nerves quitude


Balancing the Vayus